How to determine the type characteristics of sapphire

Sapphire from different regions of the world has its own characteristics due to its different origins. Depending on the geological origin, it can be divided into two categories: one is sapphire produced in Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Kashmir, India. The other category is sapphire from Australia, Thailand and China. So what are their characteristics?

Indian Kashmir Sapphire

The color is blue in the cornflower, which is the indigo of the microstrip purple. The color has a large brightness and a bright color. The haze-like inclusion has a milky white reflective effect. It is a high quality sapphire variety.

Myanmar Mogok Sapphire

It is produced in the same mining area as ruby, and the other features are identical except for the color. It has a rutile rutile inclusion, and the parallel hexagonal cylinders are densely arranged to form a 60-degree, 120-degree intersection. Commonly there are corundum, spinel, uranium pyrochlore, apatite and so on.

Sri Lanka Sapphire

In addition to the different colors, its mining area and other features are the same as rubies. It has a silky inclusion body, which is similar to the Burmese sapphire. The difference is that the fiber is thin and long, and it can be a six-shot star light; the liquid inclusion body is in the form of an amorphous layered fabric or a fingerprint-like distribution; the solid inclusion body has zirconium Stone, apatite, biotite, etc.

Thai sapphire

It has a black blue color and a light gray blue color. There are no filamentous inclusions in the crystal, but fingerprint-like liquid inclusions develop. The most characteristic is that there is a crack in the shape of a lotus leaf around the black solid inclusion body. The three groups of polycrystalline twin crystals developed, and the cracks split along the double crystal plane.

Chinese sapphire

China's sapphire is best in Shandong (Chang Le) sapphire. The crystal is hexagonal in shape and has a large particle size, generally above 25px, and up to several thousand carats. Sapphire is mostly indigo, blue, green and yellow near carbon black due to its high iron content. Mainly indigo. There are very few inclusions in gem-quality sapphires. In addition to the black solid inclusions, fingerprint-like inclusions are still visible. There are no silky rutile and diffuse liquid inclusions. The flat ribbon in the sapphire is obvious, and the polycrystalline twin crystal is not developed. The outer edge of the large crystal can be seen as a growth line parallel to the hexagonal cylinder. Shandong sapphire is a high quality sapphire because of its internal defects.

Heilongjiang Province Sapphire

The color is bright, transparent blue, light blue, gray blue, light green, rose red, etc., with or without inclusions, can be applied without color change. The downside is that the particles are small.

Sapphire produced in Hainan Island and Fujian

The characteristics are similar. Generally, the crystal with a particle diameter of less than 5 mm is transparent and has few other defects except for a simple gas-liquid inclusion and a straight double crystal. However, the outer edges of the crystals with particles larger than 5 mm contain different layers of milky white, opaque, parallel hexagonal cylinders. Three sets of polycrystalline twin crystals of parallel rhombohedrons in the crystal develop. There are more polygap and silkworm seed rutile inclusions in the crystal.

Jiangsu Province Sapphire

The color is beautiful and transparent, mostly blue, light blue and green. However, when the surface is ejected, the volcanic eruption force is strong, so the sapphire crystal often splits along the axial plane and is thin, so it is difficult to take the material.

Australian Sapphire

Australia is a producer of abundant sapphire. However, due to the high content of iron, the color of the gemstone is dark. Mostly dark blue, yellow, green or brown near carbon black. Contains dusty inclusions. Its gemstone characteristics are the same as those in Thailand and China, and all need to be changed before they can be used.

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