Fiia summer green new products, elegant and elegant

This summer, a series of new products are launched by the women's and women's designers in Asia and Africa . Among them, the green, elegant and elegant fashion clothing is one of the major themes. They deeply demonstrate the art, culture and fashion embodied in the women and men in the Asia- Pacific region. Charm. Writing the future of beauty led by the life of Fiat. Let's take a look at it


Green is the brighter color of the jump, and the combination with the pure color is more effective. Although green is not common, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the most natural color for the eyes. Especially fruit green, less a sense of expansion, looks more fresh and sweet, dressed in vanilla-flavored dress, as if in the hot summer to find a touch shade shade.

菲亚非夏季新品  绿色环保、清逸优雅

Black and white stripes has always been a classic fashion element, the black and white stripes and silk fabric to create a loose shirt, personality and yet feminine, vertical stripes into the visual effect of stretching, Slim was thin. The scarves lit the whole body shape, to add a trace of simplicity of fun, complex patterns and then do not feel messy, but even more outstanding.

Little White Dresses

Bosgoo(China)Tecgnology Co., Ltd1 ,