Novel glass material and preparation method thereof

Application Number: 200480001513.9 Application date: 2004.01.14
name: Novel glass material and preparation method thereof
Public (announcement) number: CN1735570 Public (announcement) day: 2006.02.15
Main classification number: C03C3/32(2006.01)I The original application number of the division:
Classification number: C03C3/32(2006.01)I; C03C3/253(2006.01)I; C03C3/14(2006.01)I; C03C4/20(2006.01)I
Award day: priority: 2003.1.14 SE 0300056-9
Application (patent) person: Diamoff AG
address: Stockholm, Sweden
Invention (design) person: S. Esma Elzad International application: 2004-01-14 PCT/SE2004/000034
International announcement: 2004-07-29 WO2004/063107 English Enter country date: 2005.06.07
Patent agency: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Patent and Trademark Office agent: Cai Shengyou
The present invention relates to a nitride glass of the formula axbygz, wherein a is a glass modifier comprising at least one positively charged element, b comprises Si, B, Ge, Ga and/or Al, and g is N or N And O, where the O:N atomic ratio is between 65:35 and 0:100, a method of preparing a nitride glass and the use of such a glass. The results clearly show that when the oxygen atom is replaced by a nitrogen atom and the network atomic structure is strengthened, the physical and mechanical properties of the oxide glass such as hardness, modulus of elasticity, fracture toughness and glass transition temperature are improved/improved. Also, the results show that a very high refractive index can be obtained.

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