2015 卡姿果 果 悦 • 目秋 & Down new conference show straight

2015 Katie fruit Hugo • Head Fall & Down new product release shocking people, simple big-name fashion, big card Kat fruit, once again for all agents friends show a children's clothing sector Fashion feast. Dear franchisee friends, you are the most lovely people, your enthusiasm and serious attitude, so that every one of us Kat fruit family full of strength! Beginning on the 18th, we witnessed the launch ceremony of the dynamic feather show and the Katzi fruit fruit charity micro movie at the scene together. A scene, so that each of the site's friends and friends on the 2015 Katie fruity? Autumn and feather new conference was held with confidence, and on-site caring service, so visit the site of the agents and guests Can feel the strong affection that the katsu person gives. Katsumi family in Thanksgiving tree to write their own blessings of enthusiasm services Katsumi family dynamic feather show public micro-movie startup ceremony ordering contest stolen awards prize